well ...I'm just an aam aadmi ("Mango people") ...like u ....but many of my colleagues think it other way aroumd...(just joking).........well ...coming to the point.....I'm a computer maniac...because my day starts and ends by twisting the computer with various softwares to its maximum level......that to uptill 4:00 AM in morning.....hence u won't see me before 10:00 AM on normal days (except the college days)....I use to help my friends in troubleshooting in computers..because that adds to my knowledge as wel as experience .......my other interest includes painting and books.....for paintings u can always head towards my photo album as well as my website http://www.alok007.co.cc ...and regarding books...they r my favourite passtime ..in whatever form they come....whether it is a novel or the studies...they have become my friends..from child hood......apart from all these things .......for the personality... I am little bit shy in nature..which u can easily notice when u meet me.....well I'm trying my level best to overcome this .....well I have said lot of things about myself...think u're bored right!.....so I'm leaving it here ....as it is already 6:12 AM ...so I've to go now...to the bed....perhaps u 're waking up now ...but for me.. ..the day ends now.....Good Night!
[caption id="attachment_8" align="aligncenter" width="390" caption="Lets Rise like the Sun; Spread the Light from Horizon."]
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